Meet Mary-Katherine
Hi, my name is Mary-Katherine Abdel-Ghany Stone and I am so thankful to serve as your state representative for the Chittenden 14 District.
-Assistant Majority Leader, External Communications
-Co-chair of the Future Caucus and National Guard & Military Affairs Caucus. Member of the Women’s, Rainbow (LGTBQ+), Climate, Working Vermonters, and Social Equity Caucuses.
-Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) board member
-National Council of State Legislators (NCSL) Veterans and Military Affairs Taskforce
-Farmer’s Night Planning Committee
-Dolores Huerta and Barbara Jordan Women’s Leadership Fellow
-German Marshall Fund Transatlantic Inclusion Leaders Network (TILN) Fellow
-Vermont Council on World Affairs Global Leaders Fellow
-Future Caucus Innovation Lab: Strengthening Democracy Fellow and Prenatal to Three Fellow, Cherisse Eaton Collective Impact Award recipient
-Keynote panelist at the 2024 Election Science, Research, and Administration Conference hosted by the USC Schwarzenegger Institute
I am the proud daughter of an Egyptian immigrant, a front-line healthcare worker, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, the proud wife of a Veteran, and a Vermonter. I know firsthand the importance of ensuring that all voices are not only heard but are represented and valued to encourage connection and positive change in our communities.
I have worked as an occupational therapist at the University of Vermont Medical Center for close to a decade where I also served as one of the founding leaders of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Employee Resource Group (ERG). I also currently work as a coordinator at the American Cancer Society’s Hope Lodge and as a substitute teacher with the Burlington School District. When I’m not serving the community through my work, I am deeply invested in volunteering and have served several organizations including:
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) Board of Directors
Pride Center of Vermont Board of Directors
Leadership Champlain Board of Directors
Junior League of Champlain Valley Board of Directors (President)
Burlington City Arts Equity and Belonging Committee and Education Committee
Vermont Professionals of Color
City of Burlington’s Advisory Committee on Accessibility
Isham Farm’s First: Earth Board of Directors
I have also had the privilege of serving this city as an elected Justice of the Peace since 2020.
I am deeply invested in the arts as a patron and performer. I have performed and collaborated with several groups including Ballet Vermont, Lyric Theatre, Green Mountain Cabaret, the Vermont Symphony Orchestra, Shelburne Craft School, and Isham Farm First: Earth. That passion has also translated to my work at the Statehouse where I am a member of the Farmer’s Night Series planning committee, bringing the vibrancy of the arts to free events held at the Statehouse.
As a curious person with a variety of interests, I appreciate the value of learning not only about my passions but about what fuels others. This patchwork quilt of community is made beautiful by its people and the unique diverse perspectives, interests, experiences, and stories that we all bring to the table.
I reside in Burlington, Vermont with my wonderful husband Ryan, who is an Air Force pilot, and our rescued Aussiedoodle, Rigby Jane.